Metron Sustainable Services, Inc. Claimed


Metron Sustainable Services (MSS) is the smart submetering industry leader in America.   MSS has taken the water industry standard to the next level of submetering by offering a true water management system with our master meters, submeters and WaterScope analytics software that manages the whole parks daily water usages.   MSS is has partnered with Verizon to assure daily connectivity via cellular with each and every meter.  What does that mean for you?  With our cellular connection that means no more walking the park, no more driving park, no more gateways, no more Wi-Fi connections!

Value Proposition & differentiators of using Metron Sustainable Services:

  • Water Management System with  Master Meters and Submeters to Immediately Identify Infrastructure Leaks and Home Leaks
  • Independent Cellular Connections
  • Daily 5 minute Data Analysis Reporting
  • Water Leak Detection from Simple Drips to Open Toilet Flappers
  • Temperature and Freeze Alerts
  • Billing Services
  • Manufactured, Warrantied and Managed by Metron Sustainable Services

…And so much more! Save Money Now by Calling Us at 303.217.5990